Global HQ
San Juan, Philippines
Countries of investment
- United Kingdom
- Us
- Denmark
- Singapore
- Spain
- Mexico
- Qatar
- Egypt
- Australia
- Taiwan
Investment stages
- Private Equity
- Fintech
- AI
- IoT
- Blockchain
- Crypto
Springhood is a venture Capital firm dedicated to addressing the funding gap in child health innovation. Founded by John Parker, the firm is the first venture Capital investor focused broadly on children's health, backing young companies that work to significantly improve health outcomes for children. Parker brings 25 years in the alternative investment industry together with over a decade of philanthropic experience. The firm supports passionate entrepreneurs developing strong science with a clear commercial pathway, leveraging unique opportunities and reducing risk specific to pediatric healthcare. Springhood's mission is to get meaningful solutions to children sustainably and at scale, which the firm believes will lead to superior financial returns and exceptional results for all stakeholders.
Springhood is a venture Capital firm dedicated to addressing the funding gap in child health innovation. Founded by John Parker, the firm is the first venture Capital investor focused broadly on children's health, backing young companies that work to significantly improve health outcomes for children. Parker brings 25 years in the alternative investment industry together with over a decade of philanthropic experience. The firm supports passionate entrepreneurs developing strong science with a clear commercial pathway, leveraging unique opportunities and reducing risk specific to pediatric healthcare. Springhood's mission is to get meaningful solutions to children sustainably and at scale, which the firm believes will lead to superior financial returns and exceptional results for all stakeholders.
Investment Thesis
Springhood provides vital early Capital to child healthfocused startups. The firm backs young companies working to significantly improve health outcomes of children, supporting passionate entrepreneurs developing strong science with a clear commercial pathway.
Neurona Therapeutics