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Global HQ
New York, United States
Countries of investment
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
Investment stages
  • Seed
  • Series A
  • Series B
  • FinTech
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Health Tech
  • Blockchain
  • cryptocurrency
AlpInvest Partners is a global private equity firm that builds diverse and robust private equity portfolios. Established in 2000, AlpInvest has over 20 years of experience in delivering strong returns for its investors. The firm prides itself on its deep relationships, collaborative culture, and knowledgedriven investment strategies. AlpInvest's proprietary database and access to the Carlyle network provide a significant information advantage, enabling better investment decisions and transparent reporting. Based in New York, United States, the firm specializes in primary fund investments, secondary investments, coinvestments, and customized portfolios. AlpInvest holds a significant presence in major financial hubs, including New York, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
Min check size
Max check size
Fund size

Investment Thesis

They build private equity portfolios on a global scale, focusing on delivering strong returns for our investors through multiple market cycles. AlpInvest specializes in diverse private equity strategies, focusing on building strong relationships with institutional general partners across various segments including buyout, venture capital, and private debt. They leverage deep industry experience, proprietary insights, and a structured collaborative culture to deliver attractive deal flow and better investment decisions.
Lead investor
Co Invest
Number of exits
Preferred contact method

AlpInvest Partners Contacts Information

Primary contact

Secondary contact


Ruulke Bagijn

Erica Herberg

Eric Anton

Omar Akbar

John Borys

Vjerana Burleigh (née Spajic)

Louis Choy

Peter Cornelius

Neal Costello

PietHein den Blanken

Marleen Dijkstra

Richard Dunne

Joeri de Groot

Rob de Jong

Cameron Fairall

Jeffrey Gruccio

Michael Hacker

Yasuyuki Kanda

Broes Langelaar

Sid Murdeshwar

Christophe Nicolas

Fund number
Vintage Year
Net Internal Rate of Return
Investment Multiple
Capital Allocation
Management Fee
Carried Interest
Follow-on Investments
Graduation Rate
Write-Off Ratio
Last profile update timestamp