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Global HQ
California, United States
Countries of investment
  • USA
Investment stages
  • Series A
  • Series B
  • Clean Tech
  • Sustainability
  • Health Tech
1955 Capital is a venture capital firm based in Los Altos, California, investing in advanced technologies from the Americas and Europe. The firm focuses on addressing critical challenges in developing countries, particularly in areas like energy, environment, food safety, and healthcare. Founded by Andrew Chung in 2015, 1955 Capital aims to leverage innovative technologies to meet the pressing needs of developing nations, creating opportunities for growth and partnership across global markets.
Min check size
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Fund size

Investment Thesis

1955 Capital invests in cutting edge technologies from North America and Europe that have the potential to tackle significant problems in developing countries. The firm targets solutions that address critical issues such as energy sustainability, environmental protection, food security, and healthcare access. By bridging the technological advances of the West with the urgent needs of the East, 1955 Capital seeks to accelerate technology commercialization, drive job creation, and foster long term growth in emerging markets.
Lead investor
Co Invest
Number of exits
Preferred contact method

1955 Capital Contacts Information

Primary contact

Secondary contact


Andrew Chung (Founder and Managing Partner)

John Chiang (Partner)

Yasmin Crawley (Principal)



Mango Materials


Forge Nano

Cavendish Kinetics


Twist Bioscience

Fund number
Vintage Year
Net Internal Rate of Return
Investment Multiple
Capital Allocation
Management Fee
Carried Interest
Follow-on Investments
Graduation Rate
Write-Off Ratio
Last profile update timestamp