How to Raise Money

Startups raise money in phases , starting with seed funding from sources like Y Combinator (Phase 1), moving to larger rounds for growth (Phase 2), and accelerating growth in later rounds (Phase 3). The path is flexible , varying based on the startup's needs. Fundraising is challenging, requiring convincing investors and understanding their motivations . Startups should avoid mixing fundraising with operations to prevent distractions. Strategic planning and timing are key. Ultimately, success depends on executing core activities like product development and user acquisition , not just on raising funds.

Why is relevant?

Understanding the phases of fundraising is crucial for founders navigating the venture capital landscape . Startups typically progress from seed capital to later-stage investments, each phase requiring distinct strategies to ensure growth and operational focus. Early seed funding helps validate ideas, while subsequent rounds support scaling and capturing market opportunities. This knowledge allows founders to manage their fundraising efforts effectively, securing necessary capital without losing focus on their core operations.
How to Raise Money, investment firm website screenshot
Paul Graham
Publication date
September 8th, 2013
  • Startups and Fundraising
Last update