Optimal investment and exit decision of venture capitals with multiple heterogeneous Beliefs

The paper by Zhuming Chen and Xue Luo finds that diverse trader beliefs in venture capital projects lead to different optimal capital investment levels but have minimal impact on timing decisions . Using a two-stage model based on real options game theory, the study reveals that varying beliefs reduce optimal capital investment but don’t significantly affect timing. This reflects the "agree to disagree" phenomenon. Learning processes can mitigate these negative effects, though varying required returns can exacerbate them.

Why is relevant?

Understanding how heterogeneous beliefs impact investment decisions can inform better risk management and strategic planning in venture capital, potentially improving investment outcomes and returns .
Optimal investment and exit decision of venture capitals with multiple heterogeneous Beliefs, investment firm website screenshot
Zhuming Chen & Xue Luo
Publication date
June 1st, 2024
  • Venture Capital
  • Heterogeneous Beliefs and Real Options Game Theory
Last update