Reputation, dynamic capabilities, and the global footprint of corporate venture capital programs

CVC programs with strong reputations are more likely to expand internationally , especially if they have dynamic capabilities that enable adaptation and innovation. Experience across industries enhances this expansion by providing valuable knowledge and connections . However, misconduct can damage a CVC program’s reputation, reducing its appeal to international partners and investors. Maintaining ethical standards and good governance is crucial. Dynamic capabilities amplify the impact of both positive and negative reputations, influencing the success and growth of the programs.

Why is relevant?

It highlights how reputation and dynamic capabilities drive international expansion in corporate venture capital (CVC) programs, offering crucial insights for optimizing global investment strategies .
Reputation, dynamic capabilities, and the global footprint of corporate venture capital programs, investment firm website screenshot
Sergey Anokhin, Fabian Eggers and Andrey Kretinin
Publication date
March 1st, 2024
  • Dynamic Capabilities
  • Reputation
  • Corporate Venture Capital
  • International Expansion and Global Footprint
Last update