Andreessen Horowitz - Guide to Navigating Market Cycles

Authored by Justin Kahl and David George from Andreessen Horowitz, this guide provides a framework for startups to navigate market cycles, particularly downturns. It includes strategies for reevaluating valuations, understanding burn multiples, and building scenario plans to adapt to changing market conditions. Key insights include: Reevaluating Valuations: Use public market trends to recalibrate private valuations, noting significant declines in valuation multiples, and estimate the necessary ARR to regain previous valuation levels. Understanding Burn Multiples: Calculate and track burn multiples (cash burned/net ARR added) to ensure efficient growth. Adjust spending and operational efficiency to maintain or improve burn multiples. Scenario Planning: Develop base, best, and worst-case scenarios to manage cash flow and runway, considering macroeconomic factors and potential market changes. Continuous Monitoring: Assess your position regularly (monthly or quarterly) and adjust strategies accordingly to navigate market turbulence effectively. Strategic Adjustments : In worst-case scenarios, be prepared to make difficult decisions such as layoffs, raising debt, or accepting down rounds. Long-Term Perspective : Recognize that market downturns are cyclical and can forge stronger businesses, turning challenges into opportunities for resilience and growth.

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Andreessen Horowitz - Guide to Navigating Market Cycles, investment firm website screenshot
Andreessen Horowitz
Publication date
May 13th, 2022
  • Market cycles
  • economic downturns
  • Venture Capital
  • financial planning
  • investment strategies
Last update