How Venture Capital Works

.This chapter delves into the critical role of venture capital (VC) as patient capital in the seed funding stage for high-growth companies. Investment Horizon: Seed funding is marked by a long-term investment horizon, crucial for nurturing high-growth companies. Enhanced Success Rates: Companies receiving patient seed capital are 25% more likely to launch products and enter markets successfully compared to those with traditional VC funding. Comprehensive Support: VCs provide not just financial backing but also strategic mentorship and access to valuable networks, fostering growth and innovation.

Why is relevant?

It is relevant for understanding regional adaptations of the Silicon Valley VC model, which can inform local policy and economic development strategies. It represents a blend of governance theory and practical application, making it an indispensable tool for understanding and implementing effective corporate governance. Its relevance lies in turning complex governance and legal concepts into actionable strategies for improved organizational management.
How Venture Capital Works, investment firm website screenshot
Robyn Klingler-Vidra
Publication date
April 1st, 2018
  • Venture Capital
  • Corporate Governance
  • Legal Compliance
  • Strategic Management
Last update