The Past Is Prologue? Venture-Capital Syndicates’ Collaborative Experience and Start-Up Exits

Key insights from the "State of Venture Q2’24 Report" include: Funding Dip: Overall Venture Capital Funding has decreased. Sector Focus: Significant investments in AI and Sustainable Technologies. Regional Differences: Variations in Investment Levels across different regions. Deal Trends: Increased focus on Later-Stage Investments and Risk Management.

Why is relevant?

The Report is relevant as it highlights Future Trends and Shifts in venture capital, guiding investors and startups on where to focus and how to adapt.
The Past Is Prologue? Venture-Capital Syndicates’ Collaborative Experience and Start-Up Exits, investment firm website screenshot
McKinsey's research and consulting team
Publication date
February 21st, 2024
  • Venture Capital
  • Technological Advancements
  • Market Shifts
  • Investment Trends
  • Regulatory Changes
  • Future Predictions
  • Economic Drivers
Last update