A Look at the Venture Capital Landscape in Q1 2024

The Article highlights how Venture Capital significantly boosts green innovation by funding environmentally friendly technologies. Effective policies and regulations are crucial in creating an environment where Venture Capital can support green patenting. The impact varies across regions due to local economic conditions and the maturity of venture Capital Markets .

Why is relevant?

This Article is important for investors, policymakers, and entrepreneurs as it shows how venture capital can drive green innovation by funding eco-friendly technologies. It highlights the need for effective policies and regulations to support this funding. Understanding regional and sector-specific impacts helps in better investment strategies.
A Look at the Venture Capital Landscape in Q1 2024, investment firm website screenshot
Andrea Bellucci, Serena Fatica, Aliki Georgakaki, Gianluca Gucciardi, Simon Letout, and Francesco Pasimeni.
Publication date
July 6th, 2023
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Equity Financing
  • Green Venture
  • Patenting
Last update