Venture Capital Financing and Green Patenting

It considers I nnovation Choices and Venture Capita l exits (IPO vs trade sale) in a setting in which entrepreneurs derive private benefits from staying independent, which is better guaranteed under an IPO . The entrepreneur has incentives to distort the innovation strategy in order to induce the Venture Capitalist to bring the company public. The analysis generates a number of empirical implications for the link between innovation, valuation, Venture Capita l exit routes and market structure.

Why is relevant?

This Article analyses how start-ups financed by Venture Capital choose their innovation strategy based on the investor's exit preferences and thereby form different outcomes in the product market.
Venture Capital Financing and Green Patenting, investment firm website screenshot
Armin Schwienbacher
Publication date
November 1st, 2008
  • Innovation
  • innovation in Venture Capital
  • Venture Capital
Last update